About inCLASS: Activity Settings
The following activity settings are collected as part of the inCLASS measure:
Whole Group

Child is part of an organized entire class (or larger) activity that includes all or most of the class and is most likely led by the teacher and/or another adult. Such structured activities could include stories, songs, calendar instruction, discussions, book reading, demonstrations, outdoor games, etc. Such structured activities are often completely teacher-led, but do not have to be. There may be instances when a teacher organizes a whole class/large group activity, but then does not have an active role in leading it, such as a game of tag that the teacher organizes but does not then lead – though rare, this would still be coded in this category.
Free Choice

The child is engaged in a free play activity. The child selects what and/or where s/he would like to play or learn; the key here is that the child has either chosen his/her activities or has chosen what/how to play even if within an area assigned by the teacher. For example, if a teacher assigns a child to an art center and the child can paint or make whatever he likes, it would be free play; however if the child is assigned to an art center, and the child is instructed to paint flowers only, it would most likely be coded as individual or small group time. Such activities could include individual art projects, blocks, dramatic play, puzzles, puppets, computers, science areas, etc. The activity that a child has chosen may be completed on his/her own, and/or with peers and teachers.

The child is engaged in a free play activity, most likely outside or on a playground that typically involves gross motor activity. The child selects what and/or where s/he would like to play or learn; the key here is that the child has either chosen his/her activities or has chosen what/how to play even if within an area assigned by the teacher. The activity that a child has chosen may be completed on his/her own, and/or with peers and teachers.
Transition/ Routines

Child is part of a major transition from one activity setting to another or routine classroom procedures. For example, toileting, standing in line, clean-up time, wait time between activities, and/or waiting for materials to be passed out.

Eating lunch, breakfast or snacks, or enjoying food that the class cooked during a cooking project. This code is assigned once the food arrives at the child.
Small Group

Child is part of an organized smaller group activity that has been divided or split from the whole group by the teacher. Such structured activities could include small group art projects, writing stories, collective building, cooking projects, small group instruction, science experiments, etc. Small group may be coded when all children in the class are doing the same thing, but under the direction of teachers in smaller groupings.
Individual Time

Child is part of an organized smaller group activity that has been divided or split from the whole group by the teacher. Such structured activities could include small group art projects, writing stories, collective building, cooking projects, small group instruction, science experiments, etc. Small group may be coded when all children in the class are doing the same thing, but under the direction of teachers in smaller groupings.